Please find the contact info and product listings (where available) of in-season farmers. If you have any questions about different options please email ( or call us (859)608-2655.
Updated 2024 Vendors
Coming Soon
Eggleston Farm Fresh Foods
Eggleston Farms is located in Berry, Ky. Trish and Keith are 1st generation farmers with a passion in livestock. All our livestock is pasture raised with no medications or hormones. Our primary focus is chicken, we have meat birds we raise to provide our retail and wholesale customers with non-gmo, hormone- free chicken in all cuts. One of our best sellers is our eggs, they are delicious. We also have pork available in all cuts along with orders for halfs and wholes throughout the year. We recently brought cows onto the farm and intend to grow in beef. We love working with our customer to personalize their meals and be part of their family.